Sunday, July 3, 2011

1000 Bike Show – Feedback

As you might know the 1000 bike show was held at the Germiston High School this past weekend. I made a turn there on Saturday to see what it was all about. I have never attended this event before, probably because I never knew that it existed. Fortunately Allan (Royal Enfield Gauteng) mentioned it to me when I visited the showroom recently.

So what were my expectations? Well I didn’t really have too many except as I knew I was going to have a chance to see lots of classic bikes and off course the Royal Enfield. I had mentioned to my wife that I wanted to attend the show and she agreed to come along. This was perfect, now show her the bike that I am so passionate about.

I was pleased to see such a large turn out. Of course there were plenty of bikers that turned up and their bikes were parked in front of the large marque tent. There were many beautiful bikes to be viewed, ranging from superbikes to Harleys. But the really treasures were in the tent.


Of the course the best treasure were the Royal Enfields. I had a chance to meet Brice the man behind Royal Enfield South Africa. Here he is alongside the poster of the new Military version. He told me they only have one left as the others have been snapped up already.


I am happy to say that my wife was impressed with the Enfields. She prefers the teal colour over the maroon (my choose). The teal as I understand is a more “classic” Enfield colour so that might not be a bad choose when I eventually purchase one of these beauties.


Here are photos of the other Classic Bikes that were on display









  1. Looks like you're getting closer to buying a bike ... decisions decisions - have you seen the chrome edition Enfield just released in India? It looks pretty awesome.

  2. Soory for the late comment but for some reason I have not been able to comment on my own blog!!! Go figure.

    I like the Chrome version. I think I have decided that it is my current preferred colour.
